No trust here.

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When the system is set up to deliberately undo the integrity of the system, how can you trust?

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I personally like the advertisement "Don't let Trump cheat again. Demand voter ID".

In my state there is 100% mail in ballots. The potential for fraud is 100%.

There are virtually no candidate signs for Dems/prog in my county compared to Republicans.


When I moved here in 2008, you couldn't go 50 feet without an Obama sign. Not only private homes, but businesses as well.

So why the absence in 2024? Either they are cocky with their legislative supermajority and lazy, or they are planning to cheat. It's unlikely they have all become conservative. Occam's Razor.

My state will unequivocally vote for Harris. Sorry folks. I've done everything I am able. But as Thomas Sowell says: "It is usually futile to try to talk facts and analysis to people who are enjoying a sense of moral superiority in their ignorance." I live behind enemy lines.

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Oct 9Author

of course, this is the same set of issues in WA state where I live. And 100% mail-in voting has led to one party rule.

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My old town in CT voted 74% for Biden. They're a lost cause. Made more so by the flood of NYC folks who moved up post Covid. I'm now living in the free state of SC.

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Oct 9Liked by Eric

Governor Newsom of California already passed a law saying that California will not ask for ID. So does that mean that California politicians want you to cheat?

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Yes, but its California. It's a controlled one party state. As to the presidency, it doesn't matter whether The Airheaded DEI hire wins by one or 5 million votes; electoral college count is the same. It might matter down ballot. But given the way California's electoral system is designed to ensure one party control, it probably doesn't matter there either.

Do Democrats want to enable and encourage cheating? Of course. It's what they do.

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Oct 9Author

As a minimum California is not making fraud harder. In reality, they are making it easier. And, of course, the politicians in California know that the folks most likely to be involved in fraudulent voting are likely to not have valid ID's.

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