Good on ya. I get it. I just lost 50 lbs.

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Jun 20Liked by Eric Cowperthwaite

Good for you!!! Now read Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's book Forever Strong. As she says we are not over fat, we are under muscled and muscle is the organ of longevity. Oh yeah and powerlifting is just fun.

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Dr. Lyon's is on my list. It's a long list, though LOL

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Jun 20Liked by Eric Cowperthwaite

This is terrific. Building the habit is such an important key. Every time I try to start, some issue distracts me and I lose momentum. It’s a battle. But it gets a lot easier when it’s a habit. Keep truckin’

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Thanks! I am 1000% determined to not be the weak, fat, old guy

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That’s awesome! I have much more to go, but I won’t quit.

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Got turned onto Rippetoe through Reynolds perhaps 8 or 9 years ago, and it changed the way I lift. Two years ago, at age 66, I deadlifted 365; squatted 365 and did a 275 bench. I was damn proud of that, as this paragraph doubtless reflects. (Please forgive an old man for showing his ass.) I've backed off a bit since then, but pulled 340 off the ground 4 times last week. Stay at it!

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that is awesome!

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20

12 year stage IV multiple myeloma survivor here. Diagnosed at age 48. Kyphoplasty in 6 vertebrae, 2.5 years of napalming chemo, and losta damage from the pain & chemical beat down.

I rode a bike everywhere 'till I was 25. Averaged about 40 miles a day. Walked-rode the bus in the winter and on rainy days.

I made an effort thru my 30's & 40's to 'try' and stay in shape.

I started back on the bar at 51 and worked up to big boy plates (45's) for deadlift, squat and bench. Been at it since. Now aged 63. I hurt e v e r y w h e r e , ALL the time. Stuff starts breaking down and chocolate stuff and The Godfather on DVD w/a cat on my lap is much more attractive BUT, falls and a lack of mobility kills.

Lift for modest muscle mass and bone density. Those 2 things are the first to go once a human lets gravity and physics win a bit more every day. Did I mention that I hurt? Like A LOT! Welcome to the human body.

Still, there's life and it's beautiful. It even erases some of the pain. Don't ignore an oncologist appointment.

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I'm glad you're alive to feel the pain, even if I hate the pain you feel.

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Jun 20Liked by Eric Cowperthwaite

Fortunately, I'm also shallow and vain and keep going to the gym to try and defy aging and hopefully look better.

Like that cheezy hair dye commercial; "Don't act your disease, DEFY It!"

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I’m with you on that one

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Eric, your words resonate. Been having some of those thoughts, but I am 80 not 57. My return to my former self has been measured and unsure. Any thought for someone like me?

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Hi Dan, absolutely. I see “young fellows” in my gym every morning that are clearly in their 70’s. Strength training is a huge boon to them, probably makes a bigger difference to their health and quality of life than it does for me. one of the people I pay attention to is Dr. Jonathon Sullivan aka Grey Steel.

Here’s his Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/greysteel

And here’s his book: https://www.amazon.com/Barbell-Prescription-Strength-Training-After/dp/0982522770/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3CKX18R8N5KXI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.dyyuuKl1bOZKykDFRul-_7YvRGdL5Py9I1urooYhofmN34d7JLfYLhrUw_1_B-4kYc_5ZlqWZkWwBocfqw84i3ZknnPAI0Bukhp73ASoE51wZjM5ztpj0EKKuTYQfb2tXYE4oW8N3NfjzzIMsdk1jkt6udmMZ36hrkXIOxEAxmA.xx6rFojaz86IPeme5fqO4YzJlPlgfMN5cF3_y5zpvh0&dib_tag=se&keywords=dr.+jonathan+sullivan&qid=1719505051&sprefix=dr.+jonathon+sullivan%2Caps%2C149&sr=8-1

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.. hmm.. Will read up re the SEAL vs Taliban thanks ! But as the surviving author of ‘Today Was Not Your Good Day To Die’ (so REPENT ! ya filthy animals !) - might argue your misconception

No argument re your current ‘tenets - but if I die by drowning - it will be in fresh water - as I only float in salt water ! That’s right - am a freak of nature - lacking ‘body fat’

The concept of ‘hard to kill’ is a strange one to contemplate.. for me .. but last I looked down my backtrail - nobody sniffin.. much less ‘gunnin for me - My talent is being essentially ‘invisible - yet being ‘tracker level observant - a huge believer in Preventive Medicine.. as opposed to Rehabilitative ‘After’ the bodily insult - and collateral damage to skinny old me !

I will agree that ‘core strength is a ‘Key attribute to ‘survival post injury, attack, disease, illness - but my ‘vision, balance, hearing, sense of touch & smell - even ‘taste are among the INTANGIBLES that likely Contributed to my being here & typing with two index fingers.. Good habits like ‘Look Both Ways .. too ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🎬

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Hard to kill also applies to non human agents .... animals, virus, bacteria, falls, the myriad accidents that happen in our modern day life, natural disaster ..... strong and healthy means you are more likely to survive such things than weak and unhealthy.

PS my grandfather didn't float in the pool because of very low body fat. he had a tough time passing the physical parts of flight school because of that.

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I hear ya ‘loud n clear - as a white male Canadian - gifted with crazy athletic chromosomes - at 72 ‘Heaven by My Definition is lurking with my love, Anne - & waterproof ‘point n shoot’ - walk-in snorkelling off Stubb’s Point TCI & ice cold Corona’s at Rickie’s after & watching the Club Med Turkoise dive boats among others over the barrier reef just offshore - writing ‘the Great Canadian Novel in my truly ‘early riser’ former ‘farmlad’ way would be Bonus - & mebbe even ‘my ship comin in’ - haha - though ‘likely in my dreams only !

You by any chance reading @theabjectlesson ? Am stoked myself re his ‘experiences as military aviator - the ‘right stuff’ comes to mind.. so does ‘the quick & the dead - whew !

Loved your Tri-Tip post - we also favour ‘Sirloin Cap’ btw - For a guy that raised beef - I have to wonder why it’s taken so long to ‘really understand - cuts of beef at the highest level ! Have written in great detail about ‘cookin steak as well as comparing beef cuts & ‘value - after it leaves the farm - butchering - in store - with & without price tag - after any trimming - final prep or seasoning etc - we also eat a fair bit of fish & poultry - though she’s quit on Pork Tenderloin to my grave disappointment - yet she adores a loaded backbacon on bun from St Lawrence Market ! You may spot her Mom’s ‘fresh Ontario corn Microwave Directions in my Site here - or other ‘dining delights - etc

- back atcha later gator .. oven baked Salmon with rice & steamed Fiddleheads tonight - she scored a nice filet & has a white wine in the fridge i just noticed.. bueno ! Will steam em right on the table - on the deck - via a single burner butane ‘Camp Stove’ - same burner she’ll pan fry fresh Port Dover Perch with or sizzle choice ‘Culotte - aka TriTip or super thick tenderloin she’ll ’seriously sear prior to cutting in half - as I prefer Rare leaning to Blue & hers comes from the pan approx 1 minute later - baked potato for me & she loved hers diced just right baked in a cooking pan - nicely golden browned. My new trend is a nice dollop of Medium Salsa after my excessive butter has melted into the tater ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🇨🇦

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oh man, thinking I'm going to try the Salsa on the baked tater!

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Previously ‘drizzled some ‘Jamaican PikkaPeppa plus a nice splash o fave Thai Sauce - to add some ‘charisma to baked potato - i ain’t forgotten the ‘Foul Suppers’ in farm & Mennonite country - when gravy aplenty hit turkey & mashed potatoes on this guy’s plate !

Have jumped aboard ‘Creole & Cajun cookin with a vengeance too.. though Anne’s jambalya been a constant delight since we first met - both of us are ‘slow eaters’ & one can appreciate how we prefer our food ‘caliente - not cold - thus we kinda cook in small batch - which gets right back to TriTip as ‘carve it right at the BBQ - slice by slice or grill ‘on the table - as 5 or 6 ‘bite servings at a time ! Have a fab Electric Grill as well though a pain to clean - easily grilled for 6 of us aboard a dockside 28’ C & C - shrimp plus steaks, plus veggies

Aint ever had a dishwasher myself - cryin shame in my view ! Lordy me ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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