Jun 30Liked by Eric Cowperthwaite

Remember how for the lst 3 1/2 years the Biden-Obama cronies, Intelligence Community and mainstream media all screamed from the mountain tops that Senile Joe was at the top of his game? LIES!

Who is the hell has been leading our country? Obama?

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Jill Biden and Barack Obama

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"However, clearly, people who are not the President are making decisions that are Constitutionally only the President’s decisions to make. Jill Biden and Barack Obama and a circle of conspirators in the White House are acting as if they are the President"

Right, but that's been obvious since 2021. FWIW, I don't think Jill is acting as President. I think she's managing her husband's day-to-day life, but other unelected people close to Biden are running the executive branch.

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Why are the same people who were screaming at the top of their lungs 5 years ago about the 25th Amendment so quiet now? Cat got their tongue?

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it’s interesting, isn’t it? It’s as if the Praetorian Guard isn’t all that worried if Caesar is incompetent as long as they have their privileges and power.

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We are living Fletcher Knebel's Night of Camp David.

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They can’t admit that the emperor had no clothes. What will happen? The corporate press will simply unperson Biden and instead talk non stop about “the evils of Trump” hoping to scare people into voting for the person whose name must be left unspoken.

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Because you watched him on TV.

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My guess is that they'll replace Biden with Kamala for the presidential race while Biden tries to continue on for the last 5 months or so of his term.

What should happen is Biden should resign and let Kamala assume office.

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If the people in control actually cared about this, they would invoke the 25th amendment now

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They won't do that because the Democrats love being in power more than they love America.

Sure it'll be a ruin but they'll be in charge

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it’s not just the Democrats, it’s the entire political establishment. They are the modern era Praetorian Guard

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What good would 25A do? At any time, Slowy could send a letter to the Congressional leadership saying "I'm well," and he is Prez again. To be sure the VP + a majority of the Cabinet could contest that letter. Then the issue goes to Congress, which would have three weeks to come up with a 2/3/s vote of BOTH House backing up the VP. Even then, all that stuff done, the Prez is free to send yet another letter claiming he is well again, and the merry go round goes for another spin.

If you want to remove Slow from office, and he won't resign, impeachment and conviction is the only possible method.

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